What is Person Centered Counseling?
It is a decision support process where individuals are supported by staff to discuss and determine appropriate support choices for a person's specific needs, preferences, values and circumstances.
Staff will provide information and referral to individuals in need of supports and services.
What is the process?
Step One: Personal Interview
Step Two: Explore Options
Provide information on public and private resources and connecting you with them.
Step Three: Decision Support
Evaluating the pros & cons while encouraging self-direction and determination.
Step Four: Action
Prioritizing needs and developing a plan of action
Step Five: Follow Up
What topics can I get information and help with?
Food & Nutrition, Transportation, Housing & Shelter, In-Home Needs, Financial Assistance, Veterans, Personal Care, Domestic Violence, Socialization, Advocacy, Healthcare, Social Security and more.....
Who can receive Person Center Counseling?
Individuals who.....
Are 60 and older; or any age with a self identified disability
Have a minimum of two long-term service and support needs
Are unable to resolve or address their needs or who are unsure of available resources
To receive help through PCC, call our office and speak to Rena, 814.226.4640.